Well, as I write this, I’ve no idea when I last updated this blog, except that it was probably in early March.
So, much has happened since then. I’m now back at work (aka the day job) full time again. I’ve covered a good few races and in doing so have been to some lovely places and met some interesting people.
Perhaps the most interesting event was the ZSL Whipsnade Zoo 10k, which my friends at Dunstable Road Runners stage early in June. Obviously the setting makes it stand apart from most races – it’s not often that you get the chance to run past Cheetahs and Zebras, for example, and also the fact that I took part in this event last year, so apart from parkruns, it’s the first event I’ve photographed that I’d previously run in.
Having reluctantly begun to acknowledge that I’m not invincible, I’ve stopped trying to find a race to photograph every weekend, and indeed, if I’m covering a race on Sunday, I won’t take photos at a parkrun the previous day (although I’ll still help out in some way).
And now that it’s July, it’s 12 months since the first event I covered thoroughly, the Harlow 10, so I’m looking forward to an autumn spent revisiting the events I covered last time around.
I’m branching out, too. Last weekend I took photos at a Wedding for the first time. That was an experience – I’m used to people running off after I’ve photographed them! It was the wedding of Sarah and Chris, two running friends of mine, and had I not already known many of the guests I’d most likely have turned them down. But I’m pleased I accepted the invitation, because despite being extremely hard work the whole day was great fun and it was a pleasure to be able to give my two friends something special as their wedding gift.
Can’t deny it was a disappointment not to be invited along to take the exterior shots on their honey moon though – I’m sure that Las Vegas, Hawaii and San Francisco are very nice at this time of year.
Next Sunday I’m taking photos at the Big Dance event at Crystal Palace. I’m more confident about this than I was about the wedding because after all, dance is like running, only stood still whilst you do it. There are all sorts of dances being demonstrated, from Salsa to Tango to Lindyhop to Bollywood, and it should be great fun.
I’ll try to remember to come back and let you know!