Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Bleeding Nipples . .

 . . is the title of a new book, somewhat suprisingly perhaps . . a book which at 9pm on Saturday night didn't have a photo for the front cover . . but at sometime yesterday was put on sale . .

 . . with a particularly good photo on the cover, though I say so myself, of Chiltern Harrier Tom Beedell taking part in last month's Ridgeway Run . .

 . . because, of course . . came to the rescue on Saturday when the author contacted me! And I have to thank Tom for giving permission to be shown on the cover as well of course . . and if you click on the cover you should be able to find out more about Rocco Giordano and his Bleeding Nipples!!

The original photo looks like this . .

 . . so you can see that they didn't crop much out . . and on the inside I've got a full credit too, which I believe is the first time my name and url have appeared in a book . .

 . . and it's my first book cover . . how exciting!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks again for coming up with the necessary pixels or whatever they were!
